Afghanistan: Terrorist attack on Gurudwara in Kabul, many feared dead

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New Delhi : The news of firing by armed gunmen on the Gurudwara in Kabul (Kabul Gurudwara attack), the capital of Afghanistan is coming to the fore. At least 25 people are also feared dead in this incident. A newspaper has given this information by quoting Gurdwara President Gurnam Singh.

Gurnam Singh has told that the gunmen suddenly stormed the gurdwara and then started firing indiscriminately. Some people are hiding on the other side of the building. At the same time, at least 25 people did not get a chance to save their lives and they fell victim to the bullets of the terrorists.

Gurdwara Karta Parwan is the central gurdwara of the Sikh community in Kabul. At least 150 Afghan Sikhs are still trapped in the country since the takeover by the Taliban. They have been seeking visa from India for the past few months. 2Farmed-gunmen-storm-kabul-gurdwara-open-fire

The gunmen who attacked the Kabul gurdwara probably belonged to the Taliban’s rival Daesh group. Taliban fighters have reached the spot and fighting is on between them. The Gurdwara has been damaged and four Sikhs are missing. Punjab’s Rajya Sabha MP Vikram Sahni gave this information.

Last October, months after the Taliban came to power, unidentified gunmen stormed Gurdwara Karte Parwan and ransacked property. Since then, Afghan Sikhs have been appealing for India to be saved.

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