Pune: The Marathi filmdom, known for its meaningful storylines, now has an action film, ‘Raanti’, which will keep you glued to the screen. The Punit Balan Studios’ production and directed by Samit Kakkad, ‘Raanti’ will show you the story of ‘Vishnu’ and his gritty style.
Along with the lead actor Sharad Kelkar, Sanjay Narvekar, Santosh Juvekar, Nagesh Bhonsle, Jaywant Wadkar, Sanjay Khapre, Chhaya Kadam, Akshaya Gurav, Kailas Waghmare, Madhav Deochakke, Sushant Shelar, Hitesh Bhojraj, Sanavi Shrivastava and Nayana Mukhe is the star cast of ‘Raanti’.
‘Raanti’ is a wholesome entertainment package, which includes action, drama, emotions, love, music, a thrilling storyline and hi-tech presentation. The action movie will be a ‘full-to-treat’ of entertainment.
Raanti’s robust technical team includes Writer Hrishikesh Koli, Music Composer Ajit Parab, Amar Mohile (Background Music), Aejaz Gulab (Action), Director of Photography Sethu Sriram and Editor Ashish Mhatre.