Pune Police Drug Seizure in Katraj : The Anti-Narcotics Squad of the Pune Police arrested a 50-year-old man, Arun Ashok Arora, in the Katraj area for possession of drugs worth ₹43.87 lakh.
Acting on a tip-off from police personnel Yogesh Mandhare, the squad conducted a raid at Arora’s residence in Pritam Heights, Mangdewadi, Katraj. The raid resulted in the seizure of 2.14 kg of charas and 1.79 kg of marijuana.
The estimated street value of the seized drugs is ₹43.87 lakh. Police are currently investigating the source of the drugs and identifying potential buyers.
The operation was conducted under the guidance of senior officials, including Additional Commissioner Shailesh Balakawade, Deputy Commissioner Nikhil Pingale, and Assistant Commissioner Rajendra Mulik. The team involved in the operation included Assistant Inspector Nitin Kumar Naik, Yogesh Mandhare, Prashant Bomadandi, Nitin Jagdale, Azad Patil, and Disha Khewalkar.
Further investigations are underway to dismantle the drug network and prevent further drug trafficking in the region. (Pune Police Drug Seizure in Katraj)
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