Why do women’s underwear get discoloured? Fact will shock you…

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Mumbai : Understanding women’s body is quite difficult. It is even more difficult because women shy away from talking about it. And then satisfies herself with half-incomplete information. One of the common problems of women is the discolour of underwear. Most of the women face this problem, but do not know the reason behind this.

Warm and moist vulva
The vulva is always slightly warm and moist because many types of fluids keep coming out of the body through the uterus. The speciality of Vagina is that it keeps on cleaning itself, so there is no need to apply soap here, just washing it with water is enough. There are also two layers of labia outside, which take care that the vagina is always clean.

Why do women’s underwear get discoloured?
The reason for the discoloration of women’s underwear is that the vagina is acidic. This acidity is measured in pH. When the pH value of something is less than 7 then it is considered acidic. The pH value of the vagina is 4-5. This is because women’s genitals tend to be warm and moist. Being warm and soft, women’s genitals are ideal for bacterial and fungal growth. In such a situation, increased acidity of the vagina is better to prevent infection.

How cleaning products harm private parts
The use of vaginal cleaning products decreases the pH value. Due to which the risk of infection increases. In such a situation, you must consult your doctor before using any such products.

Is it necessary to clean the pubic hair?
Outside the vulva, two layers of the labia protect it. Along with this, there is also hair here. Earlier, when there were no underwear, the responsibility of these hairs were very high. But nowadays girls wax these hairs. However, according to experts, there is no need to do this. Pubic hair is not like a wig on the vulva, it is very useful. It protects you from germs and infection as well as any kind of friction, especially during sex. This is a kind of safety layer which protects the vagina from any kind of friction.

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