Cabinet approves logistics policy, 50% incentive for semiconductor units

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New Delhi: The cabinet meeting was held on Wednesday under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in which three decisions were taken. The cabinet has approved the National Logistics Policy 2022. It will introduce ULIPs, standardisation, monitoring framework and skill development for greater efficiency in logistics services. Union Minister Anurag Thakur has said that its aim is to improve the Logistics Performance Index ranking and make the country among the top 25 countries by 2030.

Along with this, the cabinet has approved the PLI scheme for high efficiency solar PV module Trans-2. A provision of Rs 19,500 crore has been made for this. Also, PLI scheme has been introduced in 14 areas. Union Minister Anurag Thakur has given this information.

The cabinet has also approved amendments to the program for development of semiconductors and display manufacturing ecosystem. The Union Minister has said that under this 50% incentive will be given to semiconductor production units for technology nodes as well as for composite semiconductor, packaging and other semiconductor facilities.

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