Pune: The two accused in the heinous gangrape incident at Bopdev Ghat on October 3rd have been identified by the victim and her friend during an identification parade. (Bopdev Ghat Gangrape Accused Identified)
Bopdev Ghat Gangrape Accused Identified :
The accused, Shoaib Akhtar alias Shoaib Babu Sheikh (27) and Chandrakumar Raviprasad Kanojia (20), allegedly intended to commit both robbery and gangrape. Evidence including the stolen gold chain, the weapon used, clothing, and the motorcycle involved in the crime were presented during the parade.
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The victim and her friend gave their statements to a judicial magistrate. Police Inspector Yuvraj Hande informed the court that biological samples from the accused, including sperm and blood, have been sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory for analysis. The results of these tests are still pending.
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The court extended the judicial custody of the two accused until December 15th. The police have been instructed to present the accused in court on that date.