New Delhi : In the Atul Subhash suicide case, Bengaluru police have arrested his estranged wife Nikita Singhania, along with her mother Nisha and brother Anurag, for allegedly abetting his suicide. Nikita was arrested in Gurugram, while her mother and brother were in Prayagraj. Atul, an AI engineer, had accused Nikita and her family of harassment and extortion, which he cited as the reasons leading to his suicide. All three have been presented in court and sent to judicial custody.
On Friday, Bengaluru police posted a notice on Nikita Singhania’s house in Jaunpur, asking her to record a statement within three days. In the meantime, Nikita, Nisha, and Anurag have filed for interim bail in the Allahabad High Court.
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Atul Left a 23-Page Suicide Note –
Atul Subhash, who took his life while accusing his wife and in-laws of mistreatment and flaws in the justice system, left behind a 23-page suicide note along with a 90-minute video. In his note, he detailed his marital issues, the legal cases filed against him, and the events that led him to take this extreme step. He accused his wife Nikita Singhania, mother-in-law Nisha, brother-in-law Anurag, and his wife’s uncle Sushil of various crimes, including dowry harassment, murder attempts, and inciting suicide.
Police Posted a Notice at Nikita’s House –
A Bengaluru police team visited Jaunpur on Friday, where Nikita Singhania, Nisha Singhania, her brother Anurag, and others live. Upon arrival, they found the house locked. It was revealed that Nikita’s mother and brother had fled the house the previous night. The police then pasted a notice on the door, asking them to appear and record their statements in the case filed in Bengaluru.
Atul Subhash Faces Multiple Legal Cases –
Atul Subhash was facing five legal cases filed by his wife Nikita Singhania in Jaunpur court. These included a divorce case and charges of murder, assault, and unnatural sexual acts, though some of these charges were later dropped. Currently, three cases are still ongoing in Jaunpur, including a case of dowry harassment and assault, with the next hearing scheduled for January 12, 2025.
Two Pages Found on the Wall of Atul’s Room –
Atul Subhash was living on the second floor of the Delfinium Residency apartment in Bengaluru, where his body was found. Before his death, Atul had pasted two sheets of paper on the wall of his room. One of the pages read “JUSTICE IS DUE” in large letters, while the other, written in tiny font, listed 32 tasks Atul had planned to complete before taking his life. The final task was titled “FINAL TASK BEFORE MUKTI.”
Originally from Bihar, Atul Subhash was employed as a Deputy General Manager (DGM) at Mahindra & Mahindra in Bengaluru. He had married Nikita Singhania in 2019. (Atul Subhash Suicide Case)
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