In a shocking incident in Pune, a female mental health patient was sexually assaulted by her caregiver. The Bharati Vidyapeeth Police have arrested the 34-year-old male caregiver following a complaint filed by the victim.
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According to police reports, the 38-year-old victim, who suffers from mental illness, was repeatedly assaulted by the caregiver who was hired to look after her. The accused allegedly threatened and sexually assaulted the victim multiple times between January 3 and January 10.
Due to her mental health condition, the victim initially did not report the incidents. However, she eventually came forward with a complaint, leading to the immediate arrest of the accused caregiver.
Senior Police Inspector Sawalaram Salgaonkar and Crime Branch Police Inspector Sangeeta Devkate visited the crime scene. Police Sub-Inspector Priyanka Nikam is currently leading the investigation. (Pune Crime News)
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