cooking oil good for heart

Which cooking oil is good for heart? Must read and share this article

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Mumbai: Oil is a type of fat. It is also essential for proper functioning of the body, energy generation, digestion and vitamin absorption. That’s why we use oil.

“We need 10 to 15 percent fat in our daily diet to balance carbohydrates and fats. In fact, we should always maintain this balance,” says Dr Udgath Dhir, Director and Head of Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Fortis Gurgaon.

In India, the onset of heart disease is a decade earlier than in other countries. Dr. Udgath Dhir also said that we need to change the cooking methods. Earlier, heart disease problems were more common only in the elderly. But now it is seen that this rate is increasing among the youth as well. Young people make up the list of those undergoing major heart surgery. The doctor added.

Which is the healthiest oil?
The healthiest oils are those that are high in poly and mono-unsaturated fats and that help control low-density lipoprotein (LDL). All vegetable oils are therefore healthier than oils made from animal fats. Oils extracted from nuts and seeds are also good.

Which is the worst oil?
“The worst oils are those that are hydrogenated or saturated fats ie those that are solid at room temperature such as ghee, butter, animal fat, fatty dairy products and palm. One study also found that if you consume coconut oil in high amount then your LDL cholesterol may increase. Your cholesterol level will not come under control unless you use virgin coconut oil in moderation for certain dietary habits. Or don’t use it at all without checking with your dietitian about the exact amount of oil to be consumed within the recommended limits at regular intervals. Mustard oil is better than that and even half a teaspoon of desi ghee works,” says Dr Dhir.

According to Dr. Dhir, food should contain the right amount of oil. And avoid deep frying because no matter how good the oil is, it loses all its good properties at high heat. And that’s why oil once used for frying should not be reused. At high temperatures, some of the fats in our oils easily turn into trans fats, which are harmful to heart health. High temperatures during deep frying release free fatty acids and radicals from the cooking process, causing oxidative stress, inflammation. Recycled oil is also carcinogenic,” said Dr Dhir.

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